
Whether the individual is a child, teen, adult within a family, or a self-advocating person with autism, this category exists to take a closer look at the uniqueness of each person while also noticing trends among those with autism. It is recognizing that there may be minor or major challenges to be supported, while also acknowledging that neurodiversity exists and can be celebrated or explored.
Creating ties within each person's community meets many needs for a child or individual on the spectrum. Getting connected to the service boards, parks and recreation, Special Olympics, and any relevant programs can prove to be supportive.
Each state (or commonwealth!) has its own polices that exist through service boards, early intervention, and departments of education. States are already learning from each other and from such affinity each state aims to improve or excel.

This approach involves a comprehensive analysis that connects different state programs with federal mandates to understand the support systems available for neurodiverse individuals, specifically those with autism. By examining state-specific initiatives alongside overarching federal requirements, we can identify gaps, overlaps, and areas for improvement in the support services provided. The ultimate goal is to enhance the support framework for individuals with autism by ensuring that both state and federal efforts are complementary and effectively address the unique needs of the neurodiverse community.
This initiative examines various national programs and research to illuminate the global perspectives on autism. The objective is to share and refine strategies for addressing challenges while gaining insights into diverse philosophical approaches towards autism. By analyzing each country's unique approach to neurodiversity, nations can learn valuable lessons from each other.

neurodiverseU.org launch - January 2025